Road Maps & Analytics

Are you new to SEO? Or want to have work by your own but having a clear path to follow and mesure? We have 3 and 6 months road maps for you.

What is a SEO/SEM Road Map?

It is document that includes a custom in depth study of your nich, competitors, and clients behavior.
Plus a full audit of your current online assets. We will give you advice on things to improve and how to improve them. 
And some bench marks and mesurable goals to reach within 3 months.

It includes

1. Technical SEO

We start with a Web Core Vitals Audit of your online assets.

2. Optimization Guide

We will give you a detailed optimization guide. Including where to start and how to do it.

3. Performance and Monitoring.

We will teach you how to monitor you SEO data and how make decisions base on it

3 Months Road Map


6 Months Road Map


How does it work?

The study takes around 3 weeks to be ready. We will give you a custom document with your data, examples, documentation and access to free, and premium resources for you to install and use for your site. 

The road map can also be seen as a custom list of advices and best practices for your online presence. 

Having it will give you a north of what you need to improve, what is right and what are your opportunities.  

To follow the road map should give you a better performance and a better user experience. But above all. It should be a valuable tool to help you make informed decision about your company online strategy.  

Have more questions? Visit our FAQ HERE or CONTACT US. | Want us to take care of your complete SEO see our plans HERE